Category Archives: Design

VATmess update

Happy New Year’s Eve, all!

I’m just popping my head up from a holiday daze to post a quick note about this whole #VATmess business.

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Filed under Design, Meta

Chawton Mittens — Re-released!

Long-time readers of this blog will remember my Chawton Mittens, which were originally published in the inaugural issue of the Jane Austen Knits magazine all the way back in 2011. Well, the rights reverted back to me after a year, and re-releasing that beloved pattern has been on my to-do list since then. Today, my friends, I’ve finally done it!

Chawton Mittens

Chawton Mittens — including brand new pattern photography!

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Filed under Design

That Skein

So, my new Brightness and Contrast pattern is really focused on what I call That Skein. I think most people (well, most knitters!) immediately know what I’m talking about… but let’s take a moment to just revel in the sheer variety and wonderful insanity that That Skein can bring to your knitting. And, at the end, I’ll do a draw for a copy of the pattern!

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Filed under Contests, Design

Brightness and Contrast

I am absolutely thrilled to announce that, in all my bloggy silence, I have NOT been idle. Nosireebob. I have, in fact, been knitting! And what’s more, I’ve been designing! And now, I have a lovely new  shawl to share with you all: Brightness and Contrast.

Brightness and Contrast

Brightness and Contrast in action

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Filed under Design

Reminder: Indie Design Gift-A-Long ends tomorrow!

I’m up to my eyeballs with non-knitting work at the moment, but I wanted to remind you that the fantastic Gift-A-Long sale that I posted about earlier ends tomorrow! Well, more specifically, the sale part ends; the KAL/CAL continues until the end of December. So what are you waiting for? Go check out the Ravelry group, pick up one (or a dozen) of the patterns you’ve been eyeing, and get stitching!


Gift-A-Long Goodness!


Filed under Design, Events, Knitting for Gifts

Indie Design Gift-a-long

The brilliant minds in the Designers group on Ravelry came up with a lovely idea to get us all in the gift-knitting spirit for the upcoming holidays. (Gasp, yes, I know, they’re coming altogether too quickly!)

They created (and I gladly joined) the Indie Design Gift-a-long!

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Filed under Design, Events, Knitting for Gifts

Announcing: Hue and Value!

I’m thrilled to announce a brand new pattern, launching today. Introducing the Hue and Value shawl!

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Filed under ColourRIOT, Design

Sneaky peek

Thanks to my sister, I found out late last night that there’s a preview of my forthcoming pattern out there in the wild…

Owly Images

A Needle Pulling Thread -- summer preview page in the spring issue (with thanks to my sister for the photo!)

Let’s look a little closer, shall we?

Preview of forthcoming design

Zooming in (and correcting the colour somewhat)... TA DA!

This is a beach coverup that I designed, at the request of Kate Atherley/Wisehilda, the knitting editor of the magazine (and tech editing genius, Knitty sock editor, and all-around knitting inspiration), for A Needle Pulling Thread magazine. (ANPT is a Canadian needlework magazine, featuring knitting, crochet, quilting, beading, embroidery, etc.)

The request was for something reeeeeeeeally simple, in linen. Et voilà:

Preview of forthcoming design

Simple? Check. Linen? You bet.

I’ll have more to say about the coverup design when the actual summer issue comes out — for now, you can read my sister’s blog post about finding the preview.


Filed under Design

Moment of SQUEE

I literally just did a dance in my chair — at the office, no less — on seeing Maria’s finished pair of Chawton Mittens in her blog post. These are the first completed Chawtons I’ve seen (aside from the original sample pair). She had a few technical difficulties, but the results are still outstanding. Way to go, Maria!

Maria's Chawton Mittens

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Filed under Design

Chawton Mittens update

Interweave has now made the patterns from the (dare I say it) outstanding special issue, Jane Austen Knits, available for individual download.

That means that my Chawton Mittens pattern can now be yours for $5.50 US as a standalone pattern. You can still buy the entire magazine, either as a PDF download, a Zinio subscription, or a printed copy, of course!

(Can I just say how surreal it is, STILL, to see my name on the Interweave website?)

Chawton Mittens

Chawton Mittens

Rav link for Chawton Mittens



Filed under Design