Tag Archives: challenge

And now for something completely different: #SEWCIALBEE

My sister Gillian and her friends the #sewcialists are having an online sewing bee, which is basically a community garment-sewing challenge inspired by The Great British Sewing Bee (go watch it on youtube!) and Project Runway and the like. They’ve asked me (as someone connected to them, but not actually participating in the challenges) to issue the first sewing challenge.

Sewcial Bee Logo

It’s the #sewcialbee! (Logo courtesy of Gillian)

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Filed under Sewing

Knit a Year

I’m still chugging away on the back of my Ribena cardigan. It’s slow going, mostly because (a) it’s a pile of laceweight stockinette, and (b) I haven’t had much time for knitting lately.

conference knitting

Miles of stockinette are perfect for knitting at conference registration tables, at least.

See? Not a very exciting subject for blogging just yet.

Instead, I want to talk about a project my friend Catt has embarked on: Knit a Year.

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