Mobbed with Love

Okay, yeah, I know, it’s been forEVER since my last blog post. My energy for blogging just fizzled, or rather, got used elsewhere for a while. But now! I’m back! And holy crow, do I have something awesome to show you.

Mobbed With Love

Mobbed with Love

Remember this blanket, the Fluffing Awesome one?

fluffing awesome blanket

Fluffing awesomeness, made with love by my dear friends

Well, that blanket is very, very far from being the only blanket that my beloved #uptownknitmob gang has produced. In fact, we recently figured out that since 2010, we have made 15 blankets together, as well as 2 mobiles full of whimsical little knits. FIFTEEN! In barely more than 4 years! And that’s totally not counting blanket-y things we’ve done on our own or with other groups. (Here’s an earlier post about the blankets, from back in 2012.)

What’s more, the fabulous Erin and the equally fabulous Karen (owner of our LYS, Shall We Knit?) have arranged for our blankets and mobiles to be on display in the SWK Gallery for the month of October.

Mobbed with Love

Each blanket even gets its own gallery-style information plaque!

It is a HUGE thrill for all of us to collectively be the “Featured Artist” at the Gallery this month.

Mobbed with Love

My blanket gets to spend a month hanging out with all of its blankety siblings! Doesn’t it look right at home?

And it’s lovely to revisit the blankets we’ve all had a hand in making — I think the ONLY blanket in the room that I didn’t contribute to is the one that was actually given to me, so all of these blankets feel like my babies.

Mobbed with Love

More of the Gallery goodness

In the end, 12 of the 15 blankets are actually present for the exhibit, as well as both mobiles. The 3 missing blankets? Well, they’re currently in residence in Winnipeg and Seattle, so they couldn’t make the trek — but they were still represented in photographic form!

Mobbed with Love

Twin blankets, now in Winnipeg

Mobbed with Love

A particularly purple blanket, now in Seattle

The blankets even have their own blog now, to coincide with the display.  I mean, they even have their own domain name! Http:// ! Each blanket will have its own post, and there’s promise of some behind-the-scenes posts and tutorials on stuff like seaming and repairing.

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