Testing and trompe-l’oeil

I’m testing out the possibility of posting from my phone, so please bear with me.

I’ll use this post to tell you about my wonderful, creative sister, Gillian, and the Best Dress Ever. She made me this dress from a pattern named Tiramisu (I’ll have to post the link later, in the comments). It is the stretchiest, flowiest, non-clingiest thing in the world, and it makes me feel like a million bucks. And it has pockets. And, it looks like knitting! It’s a jersey fabric of some sort, white, printed with a chunky stockinette-stitch motif. What’s not to love? Professional, comfortable, and subtly knit-y!

Also, it’s ironic that I’m posting about this black-and-white outfit, after what Erin just posted, and before Gillian’s upcoming guest post, both about wearing colour. I promise, I do wear colours! Just, apparently, not today.


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13 responses to “Testing and trompe-l’oeil

  1. You look awesome! The dress looks like it fits you absolutely perfectly. It’s official: the next thing I need to learn how to craft is how to sew clothing.

    • Annie Bee

      I *highly* recommend this dress pattern, when you get there… And I’m sure Gillian will have lots of tips on good places to start with sewing, too! This dress would look utterly adorable on you.

  2. Sam

    What a lovely dress. I know your sister has made lots of Tiramisu’s for herself and yours is gorgeous too. The fabric is amazing!

    • Annie Bee

      It’s so perfectly ME, eh? I’m actually building (apparently) a whole wardrobe of Gillian-sewn knit-print garments. So far, I have a dress, a top, and a drapey cardigan-jacket thing. Love them all!

  3. Annie Bee

    Right, here’s the link to the Tiramisu dress pattern, for those who might be interested: http://www.etsy.com/listing/110405305/tiramisu-knit-dress-from-cake-patterns? I couldn’t make the link work, copying and pasting from my phone!

  4. I LOVE the fabric! What a great Tira! 🙂

    • Annie Bee

      I wish I knew where Gillian got the fabric; I think I’d want to buy out the whole bolt (not that I need multiple outfits of the same print)…

  5. That s a genius dress & looks wonderful on you!

    • Annie Bee

      Thanks! I must get some better pictures, where it’s not all covered with namebadges and a blazer, but you can at least tell that it makes me feel fab!

  6. geebeew

    Yippee! I love having people to sew for who will actually WEAR what I make them! 🙂 It looks really great on you, and I love the professional outfit made with it! I’m wearing a Tiramisu myself today – and waiting impatiently for the next Cake pattern to arrive!

    • Annie Bee

      You know I gladly wore your sewing projects even when they were limited to PJ pants and elastic-waisted skirts. Of COURSE I’ll be thrilled to wear them now that they’re beautifully fitted and stylishly put together!

  7. Pingback: ColourRIOT Guest Post: Your Wardobe Colour Palette | AnnieBee Knits